Android Central Podcast
The Android podcast for everyone. A weekly show about Android, Google, and the best of mobile technology.

We're back, and we've got the Google Play edition HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4 in our hot little hands! Plus, Android 4.3 leaks, NVIDIA Shield is delayed -- and we're doing it all over Google Hangouts! 

Thing 1: Google Play experience devices

Other things ...

Direct download: acpc140.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:51pm EDT

Thing 1: Samsung's summer gala

Thing 2: Facebook announces InstaVine

Thing 3: Other odds and ends

Direct download: acpc139.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EDT

Thing 1: Samsung still making things

Thing 2: The agony over iOS 7

Thing 3: Google Music update is a good thing

Thing 4: The Android Central app and Talk Mobile

Direct download: acpc138.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:24pm EDT