Android Central Podcast
The Android podcast for everyone. A weekly show about Android, Google, and the best of mobile technology.

Here we go again! Coming up on this week's show: We're taking a look at some unlocked phones that'll work in North America — and that you won't be ashamed to use. Plus, we watch people do some really dumb things with their phone's battery, see what's up with streaming music and how Taylor Swift can save us all, and we'll answer your questions live on air!

Direct download: acpc242.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:19pm EDT

Coming up on this week's show — we break down the Great Samsung Keyboard Exploit Of 2015 That You Probably Don't Really Need To Worry About, check in on Jerry's time with the, erm, Pebble Time, weigh in on the awfully named Dell Venue 10 7000 Series, and we answer more of your questions live on air!

Direct download: acpc241.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:12pm EDT

240: Private Ayes

On this week's podcast: We dive into Apple's "privacy" campaign and discuss if it's really that much better (or different) than Google and Android. Plus we've reviewed a $9,000 smartphone, have some new hardware in-house, and we answer your questions live on air!

If you want to get in on the action, send an email — or record a question using your voice, or someone else's voice — and send it to podcast at androidcentral dawt com!

Direct download: acpc240.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:41pm EDT

Now that we've digested Google I/O and Computex, it's time to take another look at the new Google Photos and what it means for our privacy and our love for things long since past. Plus we catch up on the latest with Android M, Andrew walks us through NVIDIA Shield TV, Phil breaks things, and we answer more of your questions live on air.

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Direct download: acpc239.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:09pm EDT