Android Central Podcast
The Android podcast for everyone. A weekly show about Android, Google, and the best of mobile technology.

It's time for an emergency podcast prodcast as we wrap up Google's "Breakfast with Sundar" in San Francisco. We're joined live from the event by Andrew Martonik as we get Android 4.3, a new Nexus 7 — and the exciting $35 Chromecast!

Direct download: acpc144.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:50pm EDT

Just a little bit of news this week. Nexus 7, Android 4.3 — and we break the news of the Moto X event live on air. So, ya know, slow podcast and all that. Plus, frown at the U.S. carriers' idea of a good deal, and we take some more of your questions. Join us!

Thing 1: What Google's up to

Thing 2: Verizon and the Droid Ultra; Moto X is nigh

Thing 3: HTC One Mini is here

Thing 4: Really bad ideas?

Direct download: acpc143.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:47pm EDT

Phil, Jerry, Alex and Andrew are back for Episode CXLII of the Greatest Android Podcast in the World! We're back on Google Hangouts and have the latest on Google Maps, all these Moto X leaks, the big moves in the land of U.S. carriers, and a wee bit on how good we look using phones in pools with bikinis. Plus, is your phone out to get you? (Hint: Probably not.)

Thing 1: The new Google Maps is here (sort of)

Thing 2: U.S. carrier news the rest of the world doesn't care about

Thing 3: Other stuff

Direct download: acpc142.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:29pm EDT

Jerry and Phil sit down (via Skype) with Falcon Pro developer Joaquim Verges to get the lowdown on Falcon Pro. Find out where the app came from, its quick rise to becoming one of the top Android Twitter apps — and, yes, how it became one of the first to hit (hard) against the new Twitter API rules that limit the number of users an app can have.

Mad props to Joaquim for hanging out with us. You can download Falcon Pro at, and find more info in Joaquim's announcement on Google+.

Direct download: acpc141.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09pm EDT